Investing wisely could help your money go further. But how do you get started and what options are available to you? From stocks and shares ISAs to investing for retirement, our ongoing series of investment guides gives you the lowdown on all things investment.

Bear in mind the value of investments and any income can go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

Getting started with investing

Beginner's guide to investing

New to the world of investments? Here’s how to get started.

What is diversification?

Find out how you can spread the risk of investing with a diversified portfolio.

Short vs long-term investing

Find out the difference between investing for the long term and taking a more short-term approach.

How to invest like a pro

Learn five key principles that could help you become a successful investor in this guide.

ISAs as a way to start investing

New to investing? See whether a stocks and shares ISA might be right for you in this guide.

Choosing an investment that's right for you

Investing vs saving

Not sure whether to save or invest? Here's the pros and cons of each approach.

What is a stocks and shares ISA? 

Find out how an investment ISA works, and whether it's right for you.

Investing in funds

Find out what managed funds are, how they work and how to start investing in them.

Investing for your child's future

Investing for children

A handy guide to saving and investing for your children’s future.

Junior ISAs explained

A comprehensive look at Junior ISAs, the types available and everything else you should know about opening an ISA for your child.

Other investment guides

Pension or ISA?

Is a pension or an ISA the better option when it comes to saving for retirement? Learn more about both, including accessibility and tax implications, in our comprehensive guide. 

Are ISAs subject to IHT?

Find out the rules surrounding ISAs and Inheritance Tax, including payments into Junior ISAs.

Should I consolidate my investments?

Discover the potential benefits of merging your investments into one account, how to go about it and what to consider before doing so.

How do ISAs work?

A quick guide to ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) and the annual ISA allowance.

How do ISA transfers work?

Providing all the answers on transferring an ISA, learn how to move your money from one ISA provider/type to another.

ISA allowance 2023/24

How much can you pay into an ISA each year? Find out your personal allowance and the allowances per ISA type.

How many ISAs can I have?

How many ISAs can you have, and how many can you pay into in a single tax year? Our guide has the answers.

Stocks and shares ISAs and inflation

Can a stocks and shares ISA protect your money from rising inflation? Find out more about this type of ISA and the effects of inflation on savings.

What is pound cost averaging?

Find out what pound cost averaging is, how it works, and what the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of 'drip-feeding' your money into an investment are.

A guide to commercial investments

Do you have surplus cash sitting in your business bank account? Learn how commercial investments could help you grow your money and beat the effects of inflation.

A guide to saving for a house

First-time buyer? Here are the keys to saving for a home.

Investing for retirement

A look at how you can fund your future, and why it pays to start planning now.

Glossary of savings and investment terms

Simple definitions to help cut through the financial jargon.